Perintah jika dijalankan mendapatkan imbalan, seperti halnya perintah untuk menutup aurat. Ganjaran yang didapatkan yakni pahala dan bisa membeli tiket masuk surga. Ini inti daripada apa yang kita lakukan setiap harinya baik kaum adam maupun hawa. Perempuan paling tidak bisa mengenakan busana yang menutup aurat.
Baik dengan berkerudung, memakai baju long dress tidak ketat, dan masih banyak lagi. Seperti halnya perempuan saat mengerjakan sholat, memakai mukenah yan terliat hanya wajahnya saja. Tetapi, gaya busana perempuan bisa tidak sama persis dengan mukenah. Hanya lebih terlihat sopan dan enak dilihatnya anggun.
Tren Hijab sudah menjalar sampai rana kehidupan perempuan. Dimana-mana wanita sudah ingin mengenakan hijab atau kerudung. Mereka pun sengaja menghabiskan waktu untuk belajar mengenakan hijab. Tapi, apa alasan belajar hijab ( | Belanja Hijab, Jual Hijab Eksklusif Muslimah Terbaru ) bagi kaum hawa. Seperti yang diutarakan di awal tadi bahwa setidaknya busana itu tampil menutup aurat kita.
Tubuh yang kita miliki tidak sampai terlihat oleh kasat mata bagi perempuan, selain itu tidak memperlihatkan lekuk tubuh. Itu dari sisi penampilan busana, sedangkan hijab memperlihatkan kesiapan diri untuk tekun dan ikhlas dalam menjalankan ke-islaman mereka. Wanita berhijab, memang sudah dianjurkan dari dahulu.
Untuk menekan sikap pada diri seseorang dari keburukan. Bisa memancarkan kebaikan pada hatinya, sikapnya, sifatnya, semuanya. Tampil lebih sempurna, dan mencoba sempurna dengan hanya mengenakan hijab. Jangan dinanti-nanti, sekarang waktunya untuk anda bagi kaum perempuan mengenakan hijab.
Karena hijab selain lebih sopan dan santun, lebih anggun dan elok, cantik dan menawan, juga memperlihatkan diri sebagai seseorang yang beriman, tawakal, islam, muslim, dan keteguhan hati. Jika ada niat belajar hijab, lakukanlah jangan nanti-nanti, sekarang waktunya. Setelah belajar, kita akan tahu makna dari hijab dan kerudung itu sendiri. Lelaki makin terpesona dengan gadis berhijab.
Gadis berhijab pandangan seorang lelaki cukup mengesankan. Melihat dirinya berhijab pasti busa yang dikenakan terlihat sopan dan santun, tak segan untuk memberikan sikap yang saling menghormati, sehingga tercipta suasana yang baik. Baik bagi seorang lelaki, juga baik seorang perempuan.
Rabu, 26 November 2014
Kamis, 13 November 2014
Some Unique Ways To Propose
Unique ways to propose are about catching her off-guard in a way she’d never expect. It’s about pushing the element of surprise to a new level. It combines creativity with a splash of ingenuity. These unique ways to propose will help you change it up so that she can have an engagement proposal she’ll never have to share with anyone else.
A lot of proposals occur over the holidays, but Halloween isn't usually the first one to spring to mind. There's no reason it can't be romantic though. Try carving a pumpkin with the shape of her ring! Other unique ways to propose include dressing up like a groom...or maybe a frog ;)
Get her that Puppy!
So she's been wanting to get that puppy you both fell in love with at the animal shelter. Taking care of an animal together is a big commitment, and you want to show her you're ready for one. Then show her you're ready for an even bigger commitment by tying a ring onto the pup's collar.
Buy Her a Calendar
Calendars usually make a pretty unimpressive gift, and she might be less than thrilled at first. But before giving it to her, mark the date you want to get married and fill the rest of that month's page with pictures of the two of you, places you've been, and other important things. Once she agrees, you can mark the current date with "SHE SAID YES!" and decorate that month's page in a similar manner.
A Prop from a Movie
Lots of stories your girl may love involve magic or special rings. You might get her a replica of one of the rings from Lord of the Rings or a Green Lantern ring. You should still probably follow this up with a ring from a jewellery store, though.
Spell it out in Scrabble or Boggle
You may have to cheat a bit to get the board to read exactly the way you want it, but we're thinking she'll forgive you if the message she's left with is "WILL YOU MARRY ME.``
Call in a Favor
We all have that friend that does something awesome, and who owes us for something. Cash in that favor and use it to come up with a variety of unique ways to propose. See if you can get the restaurant he owns all to yourself after hours, or backstage passes to her favorite band.
Flower Petal Trail
Make a trail of flowers or flower petals to greet her when she gets home. For a twist on this standard, switch out the red roses for whatever her favorite type of flower is (for extra effect, line with candles- beware the fire danger though!)
Over an Intercom
This is one of my favorite unique ways to propose because it’s so simple and unexpected. If either of you regularly visit a place with a public address system (maybe for the younger couples still in college, or at a train station) arrange for your message to be played for the whole place to hear while you two are together.
Swap Out Keyboards
Buy a few old computer keyboards and replace the keys on one to spell out your message. Hide her normal keyboard and replace it with your special message.
Pick Her Up At The Airport
Tell her you've arranged for her to be picked up on her way home, or her way to your vacation site if you have to travel separately. Dress up like a town car driver and hold a sign next to the other drivers that says "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
Where In the World Is?
For those adventurers or Carmen Sandiego fans, have friends around the world help you with this one! Tell her you were going to give her a special present, but someone stole it and left the country / city / state (whatever you can afford)! The two of you must trek across the world, solving riddles given to you by criminals that lead to the next area, until you finally find the ring and propose to her in some exotic locale!
In an Ancestral Marriage Space
This is one of the unique ways to propose I suggest most often. Did her grandma get married somewhere? Her great-grandma? Finding a spot that's ancestral to her is a ticket to harnessing that primal energy that we all feel. Getting proposed to in the same place her great-grandparents got married a hundred years ago will have the weight of tradition behind it. This makes it all that much more special (especially if they got married somewhere exotic!)
A lot of proposals occur over the holidays, but Halloween isn't usually the first one to spring to mind. There's no reason it can't be romantic though. Try carving a pumpkin with the shape of her ring! Other unique ways to propose include dressing up like a groom...or maybe a frog ;)
Get her that Puppy!
So she's been wanting to get that puppy you both fell in love with at the animal shelter. Taking care of an animal together is a big commitment, and you want to show her you're ready for one. Then show her you're ready for an even bigger commitment by tying a ring onto the pup's collar.
Buy Her a Calendar
Calendars usually make a pretty unimpressive gift, and she might be less than thrilled at first. But before giving it to her, mark the date you want to get married and fill the rest of that month's page with pictures of the two of you, places you've been, and other important things. Once she agrees, you can mark the current date with "SHE SAID YES!" and decorate that month's page in a similar manner.
A Prop from a Movie
Lots of stories your girl may love involve magic or special rings. You might get her a replica of one of the rings from Lord of the Rings or a Green Lantern ring. You should still probably follow this up with a ring from a jewellery store, though.
Spell it out in Scrabble or Boggle
You may have to cheat a bit to get the board to read exactly the way you want it, but we're thinking she'll forgive you if the message she's left with is "WILL YOU MARRY ME.``
Call in a Favor
We all have that friend that does something awesome, and who owes us for something. Cash in that favor and use it to come up with a variety of unique ways to propose. See if you can get the restaurant he owns all to yourself after hours, or backstage passes to her favorite band.
Flower Petal Trail
Make a trail of flowers or flower petals to greet her when she gets home. For a twist on this standard, switch out the red roses for whatever her favorite type of flower is (for extra effect, line with candles- beware the fire danger though!)
Over an Intercom
This is one of my favorite unique ways to propose because it’s so simple and unexpected. If either of you regularly visit a place with a public address system (maybe for the younger couples still in college, or at a train station) arrange for your message to be played for the whole place to hear while you two are together.
Swap Out Keyboards
Buy a few old computer keyboards and replace the keys on one to spell out your message. Hide her normal keyboard and replace it with your special message.
Pick Her Up At The Airport
Tell her you've arranged for her to be picked up on her way home, or her way to your vacation site if you have to travel separately. Dress up like a town car driver and hold a sign next to the other drivers that says "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
Where In the World Is?
For those adventurers or Carmen Sandiego fans, have friends around the world help you with this one! Tell her you were going to give her a special present, but someone stole it and left the country / city / state (whatever you can afford)! The two of you must trek across the world, solving riddles given to you by criminals that lead to the next area, until you finally find the ring and propose to her in some exotic locale!
In an Ancestral Marriage Space
This is one of the unique ways to propose I suggest most often. Did her grandma get married somewhere? Her great-grandma? Finding a spot that's ancestral to her is a ticket to harnessing that primal energy that we all feel. Getting proposed to in the same place her great-grandparents got married a hundred years ago will have the weight of tradition behind it. This makes it all that much more special (especially if they got married somewhere exotic!)
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